5 Expert Tips to Get More Engagement on Instagram

5 Expert Tips to Get More Engagement on Instagram

If you’ve been using Instagram to promote your business, brand or blog for any length of time, you’ll know that getting a high number of followers is one thing – but getting them to take action and engage with your posts is another thing entirely. The challenge with growing your audience on Instagram is keeping them interested and engaged. After all, if they stop looking at your photos or videos, it won’t be long before they unfollow you. Here are some expert tips on how you can get more engagement on Instagram:

Make your Instagram Bio irresistible

When someone follows you on Instagram, the first thing they will see is your bio. A lot of people make the mistake of skimming over their bio and not paying special attention to it. This is a mistake because your bio is one of the first things that people will see about you, your brand, and your product. This is a chance for you to grab their attention and make them want to follow you and engage with your content. So how do you make your Instagram bio irresistible?

Use an attention-grabber profile picture. Make sure it’s something that represents your brand.

Make sure your Bio is short and easy for people to understand what your business or brand is all about.

Be consistent. Pick a bio that best represents you and your brand. Then, keep it that way.

“By definition, remarkable things get remarked upon.” — Seth Godin

You can get your current followers to share your content and help you grow your audience. This is known as “regramming” and it’s a great way to get your content in front of more people. You can create a contest or a campaign encouraging your followers and customers to use a unique branded hashtag, by using your hashtag they are implicitly giving you permission to repost their content. You can also ask in the comment section if it is ok to repost it, or via direct message.

The best strategy is to always put a callout in your bio asking your current followers to repost your content with a branded hashtag when they share your content so that you get an easy way to track who has reposted your images. You can use free tools such as Repost: for Instagram, Reposta, or Reposter for Instagram: Download & Save.

Remember that Instagram is a visual-content sharing platform, use high-quality videos and engaging images relevant to your target audience and showcasing your product and services in a creative and engaging way.

Boosting engagement on Instagram is about creativity

Remember, these tips will only work if you have a strong and consistent brand presence. So before you implement these tips, make sure you have a strong brand presence. With a strong brand and consistent presence, you’ll get more engagement on Instagram and have a better chance of growing your business.

Instagram is no longer only about jaw-dropping images. Now you have more options like videos, stories, carousel posts, and reels, and you need to do them all if you want to attract your target audience and boost your engagement on Instagram.

The best way to boost your engagement on Instagram is by being social. Reaching out to customers and responding to their comments is an effective way to create a loyal fan base, you can create a Q&A post and answer them on Instagram stories (only followers can see stories, so is a double win for your brand), or sharing content from your brand ambassador/influencer and attract their following base to your account for engagement and brand awareness.

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